If you are wanting to learn double/mini hoop tech and manipulation, then you have come to the right place! Matt Agostini has created a brilliant video here breaking down the basics of technical terms and movements for double hoop tech. Sooooo let's break it down! Important spins/movements: Matt first demonstrates in detail 5 of the most fundamental and necessary spins/movements. (You can find more tutorials on all of these on YouTube or at Hoop-Trix.com) 1. Isolation 2. Extension 3. Anti-spin flower (& in-spin) 4. Horizontal linear isolation 5. Vertical linear isolation ** TIP: Practice and master these with both your left and right hand... in both directions spinning to the left and to the right! Planes: There are 3 major planes used in hoop tech:

1. Wall plane. Arguably the most commonly used in double hoop tech. The hoop simply spins in front of you, facing the same way you are facing. 2. Wheel plane. Also very commonly used. The hoop spins out beside you, much like the way car tires are positioned when you are driving. 3. Floor/Ceiling Plane. The hoop is spinning parallel to the floor or ceiling. You can combine these planes to create some crazy 3-D patterns! But we'll save that for another time ;)
Timing & Directions: The second part of the video focuses on the 4 different kinds of timing/directions. These will be done with an extension movement for the sake of simplicity. 1. Same time, same direction (or together time, same direction). Your hands/hoops move at the same time in the same direction.

2. Same time, opposite direction (or together time, opposite direction). Your hands/hoops move at the same but move in opposite directions. In order to complete the movement, one arm will end up being on top/in front of the other as you cross at the top or bottom. Threading the Needle is essentially alternating which arm is on top/in front!

3. Split time, same direction. If you do this move in wall plane, you're eventually going to have to stop (when you cross your arms) and switch directions. If you do this move in wheel plane, your arms should move as if you were swimming or doing a windmill like movement. Both hands/hoops are going in the same direction, but while one is on top, the other is on bottom. They will always be across from one another.

4. Split time, opposite direction. Your hands/hoops are moving in opposite directions but at the same time.

** NOTE: The whole 'same time' thing can get a little confusing. We identify and address 'same time' in relation to the vertical axis (y-axis). If the hoops meet together at the top and bottom, then it is considered same time. If the hoops are opposite of one another (1 on top, 1 on bottom), then it is considered split time. ** NOTE: You can implement different kinds of spins into these patterns (i.e. antispins!). You can mix and match spins to create hybrid patterns. You can change up the planes for even more complex patterns. There are sooo many possibilities! If you have any questions or want to learn more, please don't hesitate to ask us! Happy Hooping!